The Wizard World Convention was a three-day affair that happened here in Toronto on March 18-20. As per usual, I sat with the fine gentlemen from Spent Pencils Studios. It was off to a slow start Friday night but come Saturday and Sunday our booth was all abuzz with print sales and lots of commissions (this was the first time I actually had to do some commissions once I got home Saturday night to ensure pickups for Sunday. Homework from a convention! Go figure.)
Quite honestly, I wasn't expecting much from this con considering all the bad buzz Wizard World had been getting from the Internet. If you love meeting former pro wrestlers, actors that have been in sci-fi and horror films, some of the cast from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and buying "original art" from "legitomite artist" Rob Granito, then this convention was tailor made for you!
On the plus side, you could really talk to the many artists present (so happy that Sanya Anwar, who I had the pleasure of sitting beside during FanExpo last year, made the trip from Montreal) without having to fight for elbow room and the general public was really supportive with their kind words in regards to my artwork. So I guess the surprise was on me that I had a great time after all!
Here are some of the commissions from the show. Enjoy!
First commission of the show: Wonder Woman
The Comedian
Black Cat
Wolverine (ColErase pencil, ink w/watercolour wash)